Polski English


Pentoria in Janow Podlaski 2020

Our chestnut six year filly Pentoria (El Omari (PL) x Pentra (PL)) which gained fifth place in 2020 National Arabian Horse Show in Janow Podlaski. She was photographed by Ewa Imielska - Hebda.
Thank you for the beautiful shooting!


We are happy owners of new mare Antiqua breeding stud Janow Podlaski.
Photos Sylwia Iłęda:

Polish National Arabian Horse Show 2020

Polish National Arabian Horse Show 2020 brought us next breeding successes
 - El Farida Top Five in younger mares class champinat
 - Panteros III place in one year old colts class.
 - Eurazja II place in one year old mares class.

  Special thanks to Mr Marek Demczuk for the profesional training and beautiful horses show.