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El Farida NA in Paris 2021

El Farida NA (RFI Farid - Esmeta/Ekstern) during the World Arabian Horse Championships 2021 has gained 10th place in her class. This is the first time of Nana Arabians as a breeder on Paris Show!

El Farida NA with 2nd place in Prague!

El Farida NA (RFI Farid - Esmeta/Ekstern) has gained 2nd place in Europe and 1st in the World in 3 years old fillies class during European and World Arabian Horse Show in Prague 2021!

El Farida NA with a bronze medal on Pride of Poland!

Our El Farida NA (RFI Farid - Esmeta/Ekstern) has gained a Bronze Medal in Junior Fillies Championships on XLIII National Arabian Horse Show in Janow Podlaski 2021!