Pentoria sold on the main auction Pride of Poland 2023
Our Pentoria (El Omari x Pentra), which have an amazing movement (rated at 20) was sold during this year's main Pride of Poland auction in Janów Podlaski. We congratulate the new owners and wish them many successes. Our beautiful mare will go to Belgium!
Cararra the Silver Champion of the Show in Janów Podlaski
Cararra has gained the highest score as a one year old filly (17 points) during XLV Polish National Arabian Horse Show Championships in Janów Podlaski and finally was placed second as a Vice Champion (due to the new ECAHO rules introduced in 2023).
Cararra 1st and Etolka 4th in class during the XLV National Arabian Horse Show in Janow Podlaski
Cararra with score 91.50 was 1st in class A and Etolka 90.30 was 4th in the same class during the 2023 Show in Janow Podlaski.